Thank you to Jay Chakravarti at Culture Cult Press for including my poem, "La Malinche Translates for Hernán Cortés." This exquisite gem of a book also includes work from Percy Bysshe Shelley, Charles Baudelaire, Dylan Thomas, William Butler Yeats, and others! It is now available on Amazon. Link here. And special thanks to Courtney O'Banion Smith whose workshop on persona poems inspired me to write my homage to "La Malinche."
#masques #culturecult #personapoems #jaychakravarti #lamalinche #venetianmasks #maschera #identity #identitypoetry
#masques #culturecult #personapoems #jaychakravarti #lamalinche #venetianmasks #maschera #identity #identitypoetry