I am over-the-moon thrilled to have my poem, "White Swan and Cherries," featured in the Fall Issue of Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality in the Arts. As all of my colleagues working in mental health and health care are well aware, this has been eighteen months of spirit-crushing proportions, a time when fairy-tale magic is the only thing that can possibly keep you going.
#swansinpoetry #fairytalemagic #survivingapandemic #survinghealthcare #survivingburnout #compassionfatigue #thegreatresignation #transendence #tercets #spiritualityinpoetry
#swansinpoetry #fairytalemagic #survivingapandemic #survinghealthcare #survivingburnout #compassionfatigue #thegreatresignation #transendence #tercets #spiritualityinpoetry