"Enter into this May with the exuberant poetry of Gabrielle Langley! Her words hold a symbolic sense of self while observing the happenings of both good and bad." —Mia Savant, Chief Editor of Ponder Savant Magazine
Thank you to the editors at Ponder Savant for publishing two of my new poems in their "CARPE DIEM" series. I am thrilled to have "Why I Became a Luna Moth" and "Zelda" featured with this imaginative journal!
#lunamoths #flappers #zeldafitzgerald #carpediem #personapoem
Thank you to the editors at Ponder Savant for publishing two of my new poems in their "CARPE DIEM" series. I am thrilled to have "Why I Became a Luna Moth" and "Zelda" featured with this imaginative journal!
#lunamoths #flappers #zeldafitzgerald #carpediem #personapoem