Warmest thanks to the editors, A. Molotkov and John Sibley Williams, at The Inflectionist Review for publishing two of my new poems, "Haunting" and "Spring Equinox: Pandemic." I have long been hoping to have my work included in this esteemed journal of exquisitely curated poetry and artwork. (Cover art for The Inflectionist Review, Issue #13, shown here, by Megan Merchant.) Be sure and check out this amazing issue! The Inflectionist Review has a very unique aesthetic, an editorial approach "that fosters a dialogue...between ambiguity and concept." Bring on the magic! Highly recommend!
#inflectionism #theinflectionistreview #ghostpoems #hauntings #pandemicpoems #daffodilsinpoems #springequinoxpoem #amolotkov #johnsibleywilliams #meganmerchant
#inflectionism #theinflectionistreview #ghostpoems #hauntings #pandemicpoems #daffodilsinpoems #springequinoxpoem #amolotkov #johnsibleywilliams #meganmerchant